7 Life Buckets

At the start of the year, we sat down and planned out the things we want to do and the goals we want to accomplish.

The past year has been a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs but through all the craziness, we continue to push forward.

By taking the time to review back, Steve and I were able to gauge on going forward to the new year.

How do we set our goals?
We create life buckets.

We’ve been doing this since we got married.
And every year, our goal is to prioritize our important life buckets.

We call them our 7 Fs and they are simple.

Here they are:
1. Faith – what we believe and why we believe. We find joy being in a faith community (aka church) in sharing what we got — time and God’s gifts to us.
2. Family – amazing people who know us better and go through in our world together.
3. Friends – wonderful relationships that are built on trust.
4. Fitness – enhancing a healthy body, mind, and spirit.
5. Finances – trying to be a good steward.
6. Fun – the simple things we love to do and enjoy.
7. The Feast – our service and ministry (www.feast.ph).

What are your life buckets?
Make them on your priority list this year.

Be More Faith Family Family finances finances Goals handling money Happy Marriage Husband and Wife Marriage New Year's Resolution Relationships Resolutions