Truly Rich Club

Can you relate to this?

That no matter how hard you work, you still end up not having enough, wondering where your money goes.

Don’t get me wrong.

When I was still single, I was setting aside a portion of my regular salary from my full-time work including those I earn on the side. I was saving the best way I knew how.

But in the end, I still found myself struggling to shoulder all my expenses – telephone bills, credit cards, my sister’s medicine and the financial support I regularly sent to my parents. With all these to take on, some single people (like me back then) also had responsibilities to fulfill unlike what most people think.

What I never realized was that I was using these reasons to justify my inability to save.

I was running the wrong way all along.

When I joined Truly Rich Club (with Steve), I learned that the more you’re stuck in a situation, the more serious you have to be in finding a way to get out of it.

The Truly Rich Club made a big difference in my life, especially in handling my finances (with my husband beside me all throughout).  Bo Sanchez, a reputable man who is knowledgeable of his workings, guided us as he shared his expertise in this area.  Aside from the guidance he and his team sent me almost every week, I also learned by listening to their talks, reading their newsletters, Godwhispers and many more — slowly sinking in how to view my finances with a heart.  It is not all about money but also being a good steward with the blessings entrusted to us (I am proud to say that Steve will get an A++ when it comes to being a good steward).  All of these have inspired me to better handle my finances and eventually, my daily challenges in life.

As much as I want to share about this most rewarding experience, I think it is best that you learn it directly from the man himself.  Please click the Truly Rich Club link.

Happy investing!



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