God Didn’t Say It Would Be Easy

God wants us to remember the goal.

Going back to school has never been in my plan. I was doing fine with my job and things are doing okay with Steve beside me. But when my youngest brother got sick that’s when I decided to wear those school scrubs again. He passed away 3 years ago and left adorable kids who are at a loss as to why their papa left so soon.

The word “death” didn’t hold nearly as much weight as it does to me now. It has left me a sting seeping into my heart the reality of one day losing the people I love or them losing me. But all things happen for a reason. When my brother died, I saw how most of my family seemed unbelievably together – cousins, relatives, and friends as well, reached out and went out of their way to be there for us. It was the time I learned to lean on to them more even if I take pride in being strong and self-sufficient.

Just like anybody else, it’s not easy as our family flipped to the next chapter of our journey without him. But one thing I’m proud of is the faith my parents showed to everyone. They got sick, too, after that. But they hold on to their faith that God is with us, no matter what. And my family continues to hold on to that promise. Promises that are sealed by the highest authority, His Word.

That is God’s promise to you, too.
If at this time you are losing something — job, finances, business, relationship/friendship, health, peace of mind, joy, hope, faith, and trust in people and the things around you, maybe God is giving you a tap on the back saying, “Hey, I’m still here!”

God didn’t say it would be easy.
But he did say, he would be with you.

Genesis 28:15
“I am with you and will protect you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land. I will never leave you until I have done what I promised you.”

“God is closer to us than water is to a fish.”-St Catherine of Sienna

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