On Fixing Broken Stuff

father and son

“Papa (Daddy), please fix this!”, my four-year old nephew sweetly asked my brother while handing him his broken toy.

My brother and I were discussing something important at that time.  After a while, it was his one and a half-year old daughter who was handing him her toy balloon, asking him to fill it with air, so she can play with it. But even before we could even attempt to resume our discussion, his eldest cut in again politely, excusing himself first before popping a question about the puzzle he was trying to solve.

Can you imagine how it is like to manage a serious discussion with these little, adorable creatures interrupting all the time?

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Keep More of What’s Coming In


“If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.”  – Dave Ramsey

For the past months, my wife kept on bugging me to write something on finances.  I asked her, ‘Why me?”   I know she has the time to write about it.  But she insisted that I can share more since I am very particular with expenses and savings.  Alright, I finally gave in.

Of course, I cannot share things that I don’t practice.  What I’m going to tell you here are from my personal experiences and what I learned from people who teach on finances, like Bo Sanchez and the money maestro, Dave Ramsey.

I was raised in a Filipino-Chinese family.  Many thought that Chinese people are “kuripot” (stingy).  But I say, we are just being frugal.  We believe in saving our hard-earned money.  Allow me to share some important thoughts in handling our finances. Continue reading →

15 Simple Acts of Love You Can Do to Your Spouse


photo courtesy: Catholicmatch.com

As a wife, I believe that I have to adapt serious practices to make our marriage in great shape. Just like any couple in their first few years of marriage, Steve and I are learning a lot from each other, our differences included.  And I would say that we have a looong way to go. *:)

But how are we going to keep that love burning in our marriage journey?

Below are simple things we want to share with you. Things we learned and are adapting to ourselves in keeping our marriage healthy.  Here are some ideas you can also practice in your marriage:

  1. Hug and kiss each other every morning before one of you leaves the house. (Research indicates that marriages that practice this simple discipline are much healthier than those that don’t.)

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