About Us

plain-white-background-tumblr-elegant-free-wallpaper-ljlsydkr2From the Husband’s Desk

Hi! Steve here.  Welcome to our ‘home’.

Managing a website is something new for me and my wife. Although I was hesitant when Confe first told me about it, I was excited at the thought of sharing our wonderful journey in marriage and faith.

When I was single, many of my friends and family members asked me what I was looking for in a girlfriend. I immediately answered, “I’m not looking for a girlfriend but a wife.” Then we all broke down in laughter.

When Confe and I finally found each other, we tied the knot and started building our life together. We’ve been married for eleven years now. And I have realized that my adoration and love for her as my wife grows with each passing day.

We are just like any couple who goes through the rollercoaster ride of married life.  When we read or hear stories from those going through difficult times, Confe and I would sigh, wink at each other, and in jest we say, “We are not alone!”  Just like them, we too,  have our fair share of joys and struggles as a couple.

This page marks our belief in the existence of happy marriages and families despite the challenges and adversities we get— from media, talk shows, reality shows, and many more—confronting us every day.  Most of these have contributed to the rising number of divorces and unhappy homes.

Confe and I are inspired by those individuals and groups who are going out of their way for the same cause.  Thus, we join them in this quest. We are working hard and fulfilling our vow of making a better and happier place for our families and marriage.

If you are among those whom we have mentioned,  we join you in building a community of happy people around the world.

Thank you so much.

Welcome to our home.


From the Wife’s Desk

Hi, I am Confe.  I am Steve’s wife.  My husband has already explained our reason for sharing our simple life with you.

We are two imperfect people brought together by a perfect God.

I love taking care of my husband, and I believe that’s the main reason why I’m called to married life. Attending to him has driven me to lovingly perform the many duties preoccupying every devoted wife—plan and prepare his meals and snacks for work, check his clothes, and many more.  I just want to love him and stay beside him.  To grow with him through the seasons.

We go out on weekly dates. For us, these did not have to be expensive so long as we are together—walking in the park, enjoying lunch together, watching TV or a movie together, going on a trip to the grocery, or strolling in a mall.  After his work, we chat about how things went on during the day.

At times, we argue about certain things but it doesn’t last long.  We listen to each other’s views and never interrupt giving time to be heard.  We affirm the good points and remind each other that we are on the same team.  We agreed also not to go to bed angry and never tolerate shouting and sarcasm.

We are also aware of our emotional needs, temperament, and love languages– he is more on Words of Affirmation while I’m into Quality Time These are the highest points in our love language profile. (You can take the quiz and learn more about Dr. Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages).

Above all, we believe that having God at the center of our lives and praying daily as a couple will give us a strong marriage foundation.

I believe that God uprooted me from the life I have grown to love and replanted me to where I am now — a new and brighter life with Steve.  Though challenging, I never felt alone. I have Steve who has always been so loving and supportive throughout—and of course, we have God’s unfailing love and guidance.

I am so grateful that our struggles together turned out to be a wonderful journey of learning and rediscovering more about life, relationships (new friendships), and our faith in God.

We are not that good with words.  We will share what we know in the best way we know how—our faith, useful information, stories, and our simple life.

Thank you and we appreciate your time.

Please come in. 😀


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In everything we do: 

“He must increase, while I must decrease.” – John 3:30

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